1376. If you mend your apron or dress while on you, some one will lie
about you.
Maine and Alabama.
1377. As many stitches as you take (in mending a garment while wearing
it), so many lies will be told about you.
New Ham... Read more of Apparel at Superstitions.ca
This spell should be performed on a waxing moon.
You will need: your business card, a pen, cotton wool, 30 cm of red ribbon, a glass bottle, honey.
Visualize yourself happy and working and say:
"My life and accounts shall soon be in balance"
Draw a bee on the back of your business card, buzzing from flower to flower. Lay it on the cotton wool.
Roll into a cylinder, wrap it around with the ribbon saying:
"My life and accounts shall soon be in balance"
Place the scroll into the bottle, fill it with honey, replace the stopper, saying:
"My life and accounts shall soon be in balance"
Plant an oak tree and bury the bottle under it, or place the bottle into the freezer.
Every evening in the waxing moon water the tree, or turn the bottle clockwise repeating the above.