Put a needle through the wick of a red candle and light it.
Stare into the flame while concentrating on the love you lost and say:
"Light of Venus, Light of Love,
Burn in (Blank) 's heart, And return his/her love to me." ... Read more of RETURN LOVE SPELL at White Magic.ca
2 small dark blue candles
something that you hold dear to yourself
some sandal wood inscense
light candles and inscense while holding onto the object you hold dear to yourself. now chant after you sit in a comfy position
"all know elements of 5 come see me"
look at the flame of the candles and chant
"fire burn through these barries to regain my memory"
look at the melting wax and chant
"liquid wax seal all those who send me negativity"
look at the insence smoke and the insence it's self and chant
"element earth and air, anicient old, help me find my lost memory. air, quick and swift, look for things of dear to me. earth, strong and steady, look for hidden memories by me.
look at the thing you hold most to you and chant
all of this should be done during a full moon at midnight. all of your memories will somewhat rapidly be coming to you in your dreams. try to remember your dreams and that part of your memory will be restored. by the way let the candles burn and inscense to burn while you are still there and wait for them to die out...