Monophysitism - Early in the catholic faith an idea that Jesus has only one nature instead of the duel nature. Monophysitism is the believe that Jesus does not have separate divine and human natures. Visit Monophysitism
Many people find it difficult moving on from relationships. While one partner is keen to start a new life, the other has more trouble accepting it. There is no harm in helping your ex to progress in moving on, but be sure it’s really what you want before you cast this spell. Take something that has belonged to your partner like an old tea shirt or handkerchief. Cut a small square from the material and write his / her full name on to it with a permanent pen.
On a Waning moon light a white candle and place the fabric inside a draw string bag. Recite this spell three times whilst visualizing your husband smiling and walking away from you.
Walk away and see the way
May the sun shine for you, every day
Bring magic with this spell I cast
And set you free from love at last
Take the bag and put it under your bed for two weeks. As the next moon phase approaches your ex will be ready to move on.