Hi I want to share this spell with the people:
Put three candles in the highest place you have at home, inside a plate with sugar all around the candles. Light the candles. Ask for three wishes to your guardian angels ST RAFAEL, ST MICHAEL, and ST. ... Read more of Three Wishes Guardian Angel Help at White Magic.ca
Needed: Four Holly or blessed candeles, preferably white, Holy water, frankinscense, sage and St. Johns wrath mixed as inscence.
Open all doars and windows. Lite 4 Holly candeles in four corners of your house. Sprinkle Holy water all over interior of house. In one hand hold burning inscense in other Athame. Go in evry room of your house , and make pentacle sign with inscense , and Cross sign with athame while saying :
" Angels from Heaven , forces of light,
Almighty God , look at my face,
hear my prayer , help mi with your might
banish all evil through time and space,
This spell is done,
Evil begone!
So mote it be! Adonai , Agla , JHVH. Amen!