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Damiana Botanical Name: Turnera Di
Evening Primrose (10% Gla) {oenothera
Psychic Powers Ointment #2
Dragon's Blood Ink
Lavender Bath
Birch: Sacred To Cerridwen And Represe
Spring Equinox
Gemini-light Blue
To Undo A Love Spell
Citrine: For Congestion, Either Physic
Anise: Protection, purification, awareness, joy. For treating coughs, bronchitis and a stuffy nose, good
breath freshener, digestive aid and relieves upset stomach and flatulence, treatment for colic. Relieves
the di allfort of menopause. Promotes milk production in nursing mothers. Sedative.
Basil: Protection, love, healing relationships, courage, fertility, exorcism. Calming the nerves, settling the
stomach, and easing cramps and good for the bladder.
Caraway: Protection, passion. Mild stimulant for digestion.
chakras; digestion.
CHALCEDONY - Touchiness; melancholy; fever; gallstones; leukemia; eye problems; stimulates maternal feelings & creativity.
CHRYSOCOLLA - Emotional balancer & allforter; alleviates fear, guilt & nervous tension; facilitates clairvoyance;
arthritis; feminine disorders; eases labor & birth; thought amplifier.
CHRYSOLITE - Inspiration; prophecy; toxemia; viruses; appendicitis.
CHRYSOPGRASE - Gout; eye problems; alleviates greed, hysteria & selfishness; VD; depression; promotes sexual_mysticmagicspells.organ strength.
CITRINE QUARTZ - Heart, kidney, liver & muscle healer; appendicitis; gangrene; red & white corpuscles; digestive
tract; cleanses vibrations in the atmosphere; creativity; helps personal clarity; will bring out problems in the solar plexus & the heart; eliminates
self-destructive tendencies.
CLEAR QUARTZ - Transmitter & amplifier of healing energy & clarity; balancer, channeler of universal energy &
unconditional love; all purpose healer; programmable.
DIAMOND - All brain diseases; pituitary & pineal glands; draws out toxicity, poison remedy.
DIOPSITE & ENSTATIATE -_mysticmagicspells.organ rejection; heart, lung & kidney stimulation; self-esteem.
ELIAT STONE - Tissue & skeletal regeneration; detoxification; antidepressant; karmic life acceptance.
EMERALD - Radiation toxicity; all mental illness; circulatory & neurological disorders; transmits balance, healing &
patience; increases psychic & clairvoyant abilities; meditation; keener insight into dreams.
FLOURITE - Bone disorders; anesthetic; hyperkinesis; ability to concentrate; balances polarities; 3rd eye center; mental
capacity & intellect.
GARNET/RHODOLITE - Capillaries; skin elasticity; protection from pre- cancerous conditions.
GARNET/SPESSARTINE - Bad dreams; depression; anger; self esteem; hemorrhages; hormone imbalances; inflammations; sexual disease.
HEMATITE - Blood cleanser & purifier; self esteem; augments meridian flows; aids in astral projection.
HERKIMER DIAMOND - Enhances dream state; helps alleviate stress; draws toxicity from physical form; balances polarities;
increases healing ability; develops ability to "give".
JADE - Kidney, heart, larynx, liver, parathyroid, spleen, thymus, thyroid & parasympathetic ganglia healer; strengthens body;
JASPER/GREEN - Constipation; ulcers; intestinal spasms; bladder, gallbladder & general healer; clairvoyance; balances
healer's Auric field.
JASPER/PICTURE - Skin, kidneys, thymus & their neurological tissues; betters the immune system; past life recall;
overactivity in dream state & hallucinations show a need for it.
JASPER/RED - Liver; stomach troubles & infections.
JASPER/YELLOW - Endocrine system tissue; thymus; pancreas; sympathetic ganglia stimulation; Etheric body alignment.
JET - Feminine disorders; teeth; stomach pain; glandular swelling; fevers; hair loss; alignment of lower spine.
KUNZITE - Alcoholism; anorexia; arthritis; epilepsy; gout; headaches; colitis; retardation; memory loss; schizophrenia
& manic-depression; phobias; emotional equilibrium; thyroid malignancy; gums; pain; self-esteem.
LAPIS - Neuralgia; melancholy; fevers; inflammations; penetrates subconscious blockages; throat Chakra; sore throat; energy
focuser for teachers, lecturers & speakers, mental & spiritual cleanser; used on 3rd eye for meditation; eliminates old & negative emotions; use
with other healing stones; thought form amplification; helps in creating
LAZULITE - Frontal lobe stimulation; hypertension; liver diseases; immune system.
MALACHITE - Draws out impurities on all levels; balances L & R brain functions; mental illness; co-ordination and vision;
radiation eliminator; evil eye protector; all purpose healer, especially in solar plexus & good for healers.
MOONSTONE - Soothes & balances the emotions; helps eliminate fear of "feeling"; encourages inner growth & strength; aids peace &
harmony & psychic abilities; aligns vertebrae; digestive aid.
_mysticmagicspells.orgANITE - Larynx; lungs; thyroid; parasympathetic nervous system; major muscle tissues.
NATROLITE - Color; lower intestines; thyroid; sciatic nerve; parasympathetic nervous system.
OBSIDIAN - Protects the gentle from being abused; stabilizer; stomach, intestine &I general muscle tissue healer;
bacterial & viral inflammations.
ONYX - Objective thinking; spiritual inspiration; control of emotions & passions, help eliminate negative thinking,
apathy, stress & neurological disorders; also used as a heart, kidney, nerve, skin, capillary, hair, eye and nail
OPAL/CHERRY - Red corpuscle & blood disorders; depression; apathy; lethargy; intuition & joy.
OPAL/DARK - Reproductive_mysticmagicspells.organs; spleen & pancreas; filters red corpuscles & aids white corpuscles; bone marrow; depression,
esp. of sexual origin; balances; amplifies creative & intuitive thought; grounds radical emotional body.
OPAL/JELLY - Spleen & abdominal diseases; cellular reproductive problems; helps absorb nutrients; minimizes wide mood
swings; mystical thought amplifier.
OPAL/LIGHT - Balances L & R brain hemispheres for neural disorders; stimulates white corpuscles; helps bring the emotions to
mystical experiences; aids abdomen, pituitary & thymus problems.
PEARL - Eliminates emotional imbalances; helps one master the heart c
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