Clean your tub. Draw your bath and shut off the water. Take a container of salt.
Pour some salt into your cupped palm. Put the salt into the water.
Pour more salt into your palm; put into the water. Do this a third time.
Three is a magical number and you will find it often in magical spells and rituals.
It reminds us that the Goddess and the God both have three faces that we all know.
The fourth face, the hidden face, may or may not be known.
With your power hand (most often your power hand is the hand you write with),
stir the water until the salt is dissolved and/or it feels right to you.
Part of Wiccan training is about learning to trust yourself and your own inner voice.
Once it feels right, then bless and consecrate the water.
Keeping your power hand in the water, you might say something like this
(Always remember that ad libbing is fine):
"Water and Earth, Blessings on thee.
I do cast out from thee any unpleasantries both from the spirit world and from my world.
I do cast out any and all things that are not to my good and benefit.
I do cast out any and all emotions that may be pulling me down and harming me.
Be cast out that which is not in allplete agreement with me!
By the power of the Old Ones, as I will it, so mote it be."
This is to purify and consecrate the water and it is also to remind you that your
purpose is to be cleansed inside and out.
You are getting rid of all those things that you collect in your daily life.
You should enter Circle clean and in clean clothes as well if you don't circle skyclad.
Stand next to the tub and face East. Or, if you so choose, face the direction that represents
newness and dawn and beginnings to you. See the Lady and the Lord standing before you as you say:
Bless me, Lady and Lord, for I am thine own child {your magical name here}.
Dip your {power hand} forefinger and middle finger into the water and anoint your third eye
and left then right eyelids saying:
Blessed Be mine eyes, for they are Your eyes and help me see my path clearly.
Dip your {power hand} forefinger and middle finger into the water and anoint your nose saying:
Blessed be mine nose, for it is Your nose and helps me breathe the essence that is the Sacred Whole.
Dip your {power hand} forefinger and middle finger into the water and anoint your lips saying:
Blessed be mine lips, for these are Your lips and speak the true beauty of Your names
Dip your {power hand} forefinger and middle finger into the water and anoint your heart and breasts saying:
Blessed Be mine breasts and mine heart for they are Yours and I will be faithful and loving in Thy name.
Dip your {power hand} forefinger and middle finger into the water and anoint your belly and genitals
(Men do not need to anoint belly area) saying: Blessed be my womb/vagina/penis for they are
Your life-giving_mysticmagicspells.organs and through them I can bring forth life.
Dip your {power hand} forefinger and middle finger into the water and anoint your knees saying:
Blessed Be mine knees for they are Your knees that kneel in sacredness and joy.
Dip your {power hand} forefinger and middle finger into the water and anoint your feet saying:
Blessed be mine feet for they are Your feet and they lead me to your Old Ways.
Blessed Be Lady and Lord! I am ___________________
and I am Your own child to you in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
Now get into the tub and rub water all over yourself. Feel all your tensions and worries and fears
slip into the water and dissolve away. Surround yourself with light and joy and enjoy!