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Damiana Botanical Name: Turnera Di
Evening Primrose (10% Gla) {oenothera
Psychic Powers Ointment #2
Gemini-light Blue
To Undo A Love Spell
Yarrow {achillea Millefolium}: After C
Protection Oil
Bloodstone: Powerful Cleanser Of Blood
To Cleanse Magickal Space
What Is Tild (thirst Induced Lucid Dre
Protection Poppet
--dogwood twigs and shavings, black thread, an acorn, black cotton thread & stuffing
--eucalyptus, sage, thyme, oak leaves & an acorn, parsley fern, birch bark, nail clippings.
--hair blood cedarwood or another protective oil Dragon's Blood ink
Perform actual ritual on the Full Moon. Construct the "skeleton" out of dogwood twigs,
lashing the twigs together with black thread, using an acorn for the head. I'm used nine
herbs, cotton thread & stuffing, eucalyptus, sage, thyme, oak leaves & an acorn, parsley,
some dogwood shavings, fern and birch bark. I began consecrating and grinding these items,
meditating on the purpose all the while three nights before the full moon. Mix in nail clippings,
hair and some blood(not necessary, I just like to use it on my personal spells). On a piece of
birch bark draw the rune of "Ohl" with Dragon's Blood ink roll it up and tie it to the "torso' of
the poppet with black thread. Fashion clothes out of your own clothing and apply some of
your own hair to the poppet. On the night of the full moon cast your circle and sew the clothes
onto the little guy and stuff him. After your done stuffing it, anoint it with cedarwood or another
protective oil and placing your poppet on the pentacle on the altar. Meditate in the purpose
and then dedicate it to the south. incantation :
Magic doll, my little friend.
Away from me all harm you send.
Protect me now through day and night,
as I bless you with this rite.
All empowered these herbs within.
See me safe through thick and thin.
Protect me now oh little one.
Keep me safe and harm to none.
Blessed by the powers of three.
As I will, So Mote it Be!
Take the poppet and pass it through the flame to the south, the water to the west, the
salt to the North, and the smoke (sandalwood) to the East. After that put it into a white
muslin pouch with a black and white agate, some rose petals and a rosemary sprig.
On the pouch again draw the rune of Ohl with Dragon's Blood ink.
Carry this pouch with you and recharge or change the herbs every so often.
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