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Prosperity Magick Fish Of Istar
In this spell you will pull toward you the energy of Ishtar to create positive abundance in your life
and heal your financial worries using sacred water. Ishtar was called "The Light of the World".
Much of the liturgical flattery given to God in the Old Testament of the Bible was directly
plagiarized from Babylonian prayers created for Ishtar. Therefore, should you prefer to use
Psalms in your magickal supplications, don't feel guilty about the process of changing the
"he's" to "she's". The fish representation in this spell is a world wide symbol of the Great Mother,
consisting of two half moons touching edges, forming the representation of the feminine genitalia.
When Rome became Christianized, its citizens were not willing to give up the Goddess oriented fish
symbolism. These new Christians rewrote the mythos surrounding the symbol of the fish to suit this
new religion. Earthly female followers of Christ, Nuns, received their name from the Hebrew letter (Nun),
meaning "fish". Do not worry about not having a candle see ( Supplies: One green or blue candle.
Incense of your choice. Now Just visualize these as there I have a candle burning for you and I
will have incense as well so do the spell without them ok!) Use a Chalice or any cup filled with Holy
Water or blessed water -just dedicate it to the Goddess Ishtar and ask her to bless it. Have a flat
piece of pliable clay or use some child's plasticine or some of that salt play dough you can make
yourself with flour salt and water plus a teensy bit of oil!!!. Like a bread dough! Make a fish from it!
Have a pen, or nail to draw in the clay or dough.
Instructions: Begin this spell on the new or waxing moon. You may wish to employ the planetary
hours of the Sun (success) or Jupiter (prosperity) Cast your circle. Intone the self-blessing.
See below ... Call upon Spirit of the Goddesses Ishtar, entreating her assistance.
With your stylus, draw a swimming fish on the clay while thinking of abundance and prosperity
swimming into your life. Sprinkle the image with holy water, asking Spirit to bless you with
abundance and prosperity. Envision the fish glowing with health and life. Pass the clay over the
flame of the candle three times. Hold the fish close to your mouth and blow on the image three
times, with long, flowing breaths. Call upon while thinking of abundance and prosperity swimming
into your life. Sprinkle the image with holy water again , asking Spirit to bless you with abundance
and prosperity. Envision the fish glowing with health and life.
Pass the clay over the flame of the imagined candle three times or over your cooker or a lit match
even . Hold the fish close to your mouth and blow on the image three times, with long, flowing
breaths once more.
Then say, "I call upon thee, O gracious Ishtar, She who was known as Light
of the World. I dedicate this rite to you, Ishtar. You who traveled the
desert. You who brought back the life giving waters. Great Ishtar, I ask
for blessings upon this sacred fish that I have created with my own
hands. Waters of life, I ask for prosperity. When I cast this clay fish
into the waters of (name the lake, river, or ocean), this fish will draw
into my life-net, an abundance of prosperity, healing, and harmony, in
the name of Ishtar. Waters of life, bring forth my desire. I and my
friend say his/her name ..... always have everything I need, and more. So mote it be."
If you like, you can sing, hum, or meditate thinking positive thoughts while holding the fish.
When you have finished, extinguish the candle. Thank Ishtar for assisting you.
Release the circle. Take the water from the chalice and your clay fish and release into the waters you named,
with the assurance that prosperity and harmony will manifest within the month for you.
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