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Planet Protection Shield
This is protection spell that actually calls upon the all the great celestial bodies in a
solar system so this is pretty powerful spell.
Items needed:
11 small jars - Permanent marker
Barley, Sage, Garlic, Parsley, Rosemary, Ailanthus, Rose petals,
Seaweed or any water plant, Silverweed, Weeping Willow, Moonwort
It doesn't matter if these herbs are dried, powdered or fresh.
First take your eleven jars and label each one with the name of a planet, including
the Earth, Moon and Sun.
Then draw the symbols of each planet on the jars as well making sure your symbol matches the planet.
Next fill each jar about half way with warm water.
Then find the jar labeled Sun and add your rosemary; take your Mercury jar and add parsley;
Take your Venus jar and add the rose petals; take your Earth jar and add your barley;
Take your Mars jar and add your garlic; take your Jupiter jar and add your sage;
Take your Saturn jar and add your weeping willow; take your Uranus jar and add your ailanthus;
Take your Neptune jar and add your water plant and take your Pluto jar and add the Silverweed
and take your Moon jar and add your Moonwort. Close the jars very tightly the put the jars in
straight row and chant:
"I invoke the god of these planets:
Apollo, Hermes, Aphrodite, Gaia, Diana, Aries, Zeus, Uranus, Saturn,
Poseidon, Hades lend me your power of your world for protection."
Visualize that each planet is in those jars and giving off positive protecting energy.
After that let them sit out for a night. The next day find a place either in your back yard or
garden to bury them. Keep close to your house. If you live in an apartment or just don't have
a place to bury them, store the jars in the back of closet or in cabinet that is not used often.
The jars will begin to collect the energy of the planets each nightfall. Give it some to time to work.
Don't try to rush it, the longer the jars are not disturbed the stronger the protection shield will be
around your home and your family.
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