To see earrings in dreams, omens good news and interesting workis before you. To see them broken, indicates that gossip of a loworder will be directed against you.... Read more of Earrings at My
A small Mirror and fresh flowers. They can be daisies, carnations, violets, lilacs, or gardenias,
but roses of any color are best. If you do use roses, remove the thorns from one of the stems.
Buy or collect 7 or 8 stems of the chosen flower. If cutting them yourself, thank the plant for its
sacrifice in any words or actions that you see fit. Remember - nature is a power source.
Magicians respect it. Perform this ritual when you are quite alone and won't be interrupted.
Take the phone off the hook, don't answer the door- give this time to yourself.
You may dress in normal clothes, those you sleep in or nothing at all. Do what ever feels most natural.
Place the flowers in a large vase or bowl. Nearby place a small mirror in a position so that you can
see your face within it. Sit or kneel allfortably before the flowers. Remove 1 flower from the vase.
Stroke it over your head, your hair, your ears. Move it up and down your cheeks and chin.
As you do this, open yourself to the loving energies the flower is radiating out to you.
Close your eyes and brush their lids lightly with the flowers. Say these words:
I see love
Move the flowers lower. Smell its rich scent. Drink in its aroma. Let it fill your soul. Say:
I breath love
Open your eyes. Move the flower away from your head and above it. Say:
I hold love
Lower the flower to your heart area. Stroke it up and down, soothing it, letting its energies
melt into yours. Say:
I feel love
Move it down to your stomach. Press it gently against your skin or clothing. Say:
I nourish love
Still holding the flower in your hands before you, gaze at your reflection in the mirror.
Say these or similar words:
Love is before me love is behind me love is beside me love is above me love is below
me love is within me love flows from me loves to me I am loved
Place the flowers in a spot where you'll see them several times a day. If possible, wear
or carry the flowers you've used in your ritual. When it begins to wilt, bury it in the earth,
thanking it for its energies. And be prepared to receive as well as give love.