ONCE upon a time there was a poor widow who lived in a little
cottage with her only son Jack.
Jack was a giddy, thoughtless boy, but very kind-hearted and
affectionate. There had been a hard winter, and after it the poor... Read more of Jack And The Beanstalk at Children Stories.ca
Rose is used for love magic. Real essential oil of roses (rose otto or attar of roses)
is so expensive that most people use either essential oil of rose geranium or artificial
rose oil as a substitute. Rose has nothing at all to do with raw power or domination.
Frankincense is a spiritual scent and is also used for power. It could be used in
Essence of Bend-Over, but it is a little on the "nice" side for it to carry the entire
weight of true domination work in this formula.
Honeysuckle is primarily used as a fragrance, and, being floral, it is a frequent
ingredient in love potions. The plant itself is a vine that has no strong magical
connotations that I know, and what's stranger, real essential oil of honeysuckle is unstable,
so most makers use the artificial, synthetic aroma.
Looking at honeysuckle from the perspective of the "doctrine of signatures,"
one could say that it grows upon trees and somehow dominates them, but it certainly does not
make them bend to its will -- and other vines of similar twining habit, such as periwinkle,
are always used in love-and-marriage formulas, because of their clinging natures.
In short, honeysuckle might be good for love-domination (as an ingredient in Follow me)
Vetivert is one of the five "Asian Grasses" that is used (in a very small proportion) in Van
Van Oil and, as such, it is a spiritual cleanser and luck-changer. It is not particularly associated
with efforts of will or domination. So this recipe for Bend-Over, although very allmonly
encountered in the Anglo-Saxon world of aromatherapy and playful spell-cookery -- and
despite its wonderful fragrance -- is not exactly what I'd call a powerful aid to domination
or willful control of another's mind or activities through the doctrine of sympathetic magic as
developed by root-workers. A look through any good magical herbal will reveal that there are
three herbs often r allmended for control and domination. They are
calamus root licorice root bergamot leaf or essential oil of bergamot
Calamus root produces an essential oil and it is also available as chips or powder,
which can be steeped in a carrier oil.
Licorice root is available as chips or powder, to steep in carrier oil
Bergamot is a citrus-relative. Its essential oil must be diluted in a carrier oil because
some folks are skin-sensitive or allergic to it in strong concentrations.
Calamus root is white and licorice root is a deep yellow-brown. When the two are placed
with essential oils of bergamot and calmus root and a few grains of frankincense in a
carrier such as almond oil that has been tinted a rich yellow-orange, the result is impressive
both visually and in terms of fragrance.