i want to very good n nice partner in my life n become a very good success man ...
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Damiana Botanical Name: Turnera Di
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More On Crystals
Choosing, Cleansing, Clearing And Programming
All crystals need to be treated with respect and love. If they are used as a tool, do so with
humility and gratitude. In choosing a crystal, it is necessary to find one that vibrates in harmony
with the self and with the specific purpose for which you are bringing it into your life.
Like attracts like. Each human and each crystal has its own vibration.
In front of you is a tray of crystals - quartz and others. Look at them. Feel them. There are a
number of ways to know which is right for you. Instant rapport - is there one that you instantly
are drawn to? Strong energies - move your hand over the top and feel the energies from
each and see which one you are drawn to. Physical attraction - is there one that you really,
really like the look of and must pick it up and feel it?
Now you have your quartz crystal what do you do with it? It now needs to have the outside
cleansed. The best way to do this is with luke warm soapy water. This cleans the outside of
the vibrations of its travels from the miner to the buyer to the importer, to the wholesaler etc.
It also needs cleaning when it is dirty, dusty or has body oil on it from your handling. Just as
you need a shower or bath on a regular basis, so do your crystals. Many also like to bathe
in the light of the moon. My preference is the moon rather than the sun. All your crystals like
to be cleaned, be they quartz or gemstones. I do not clean my crystals in salt of any kind as
many books r allmend. Salt is crystalline. If you look at your crystals, you may see very
minute cracks. If a piece of salt goes into that crack and stays there, it could crack the crystal.
Quartz crystals store vibrations that from sound, light, touch, emotions, other bodies,
physical environment and affects those alling in contact with the crystal. Thus, they need
to be cleared before working with them and after they have been used; when it appears to
lack vitality or looks dull; and to neutralise internal programs. Please remember that they are
an energy storage device. To clear, you will hold the quartz in your hands and pulse with the
mental intent to clear. Crystals are also programmed with the use of the pulse breath. Both the
clearing and programming are done with quartz crystals only as the coloured stones have
their own innate programs. When humans and quartz crystals work together, the crystal
s a very sensitive and precise tool. They accumulate the intentions/programs of
the user; magnify and amplify them; focus them and feed them back to the environment.
When we program, the crystal is keyed to our personal vibration and thus it s an
extension of self. The storage of programs in a crystal is similar to the storing of data on a
allputer chip.
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Wearing Crystals
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