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Money Spell
A green candle would work, but use a red candle in conjunction with it, as red will help
speed up the Magick. Start by cleaning the candle, simply take a paper towel or rag, and wipe
from the middle of the candle, to the top, away from you. Turn the candle clockwise and do the
same thing from the middle to the end, away from you. Then carve the candle, all the while
concentrating on your objective, namely getting money, in a speedy fashion. You can carve
money signs ($), runes (I always put the futhark R for Rowan on my candles, and I also use
the futhark symbol for strength, which is an upward pointing arrow), the god and goddess
symbols [god - circle with a half circle at the top for horns, goddess - half moon, full moon,
half moon, and any other symbols you feel work for you.
After carving, anoint the candle, again concentrating on your purpose. Use whatever
essential oil you like, I prefer cinnamon or sandalwood, and circle the top of the candle
clockwise. Then, starting at the top of the candle, pulling the strokes *toward* you (because
you want the money to to you), with the oil. Circle the bottom of the candle clockwise
with oil also. You only need a few drops of oil for the anointing. If any oil is left on your fingers,
you can make a pentagram on your forehead, and over your heart, thanking the Lord and Lady
and asking them to grant your magickal request. When done, take a drop of honey and put it
on the bottom of the candle, as an offering to the L&L, and lick the remainder off your finger.
Light the candle, and leave it burn till it won't burn anymore. If you have to go out, put the
candle in your kitchen sink, in a container with sand in it (to absorb the heat). If you *must*
extinguish the candle, don't blow it out (it'll scatter the energy), wave or snuff it out.
When you re-light it, concentrate again on your purpose.
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