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Money Soap
The easiest way to do it would be to take a bar of pure olive oil soap, or if you can't get
that, a bar of glycerin soap, and cut it into shavings. Melt this slowly in a double
boiler, or in a pan over boiling water, and mix the shavings with a bit of water so they
don't stick together in the pan. When you have a nice, smooth consistency to work
with, you can add empowered ingredients. Good ingredients to add would be:
-money herbs and oils, such as patchouli, mint, basil, cinquefoil, ginger, sage,
Tonka, nutmeg, oak moss and lemon balm.
-empowered gold glitter
-Green vegetable coloring (or whatever color you correspond money and prosperity with)
Once you have added your ingredients, let the mixture cool slightly until you can start
forming it in your hands. You can now roll it into balls, wrap them up in some
cheesecloth or muslin, and let them harden.
An easier way to make a quick money soap is to purchase some melt & pour glycerin from
a craft store - I think they even have it at Wal-Mart. It's sold in blocks. Melt the blocks in
glassware over the stove or on the microwave until it is liquid.
Add your empowered ingredients quickly, as melt & pour sets fast.
Next, pour the mixture into a mold (these can be purchased also, or you can make
molds from just about anything from margarine tubs to juice cans to empty toilet paper
rolls with foil on one end) and let the soap set.
Melt and pour soap is easier to work with, because you can add your ingredients much
easier, and you don't end up with so much soap afterwards. You can also make bars
that are individual to your needs. For example, try pouring half the mixture into the mold,
add a toy coin or a plastic dollar sign which you have empowered, then pour the rest into the mold.
When hardened, you will have a soap with an empowered item in the middle of it.
You could even put a charged stone in the middle of the soap.
Creating the soap with your individuality only makes it more powerful.
The best part? The above directions can be used for any magickal goal, not just money!
One more thing, when using your soap, concentrate clearly on your intentions and visualize!
For money, visualize the soap attracting the money to you.
For illness, visualize the soap cleaning the illness out of you.
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