Locate your center. Reach within and locate what is not you.
Exhale and release this out back into the world.
Reach out and feel the scattered bits of yourself.
Inhale and feel those pieces retract back into your center.
Repeat until ending of meditation. Center yourself again and sit for a minute to relax.
Do this daily until you feel whole again and not psychically attached to any external persons.
You will find that there are far more than just one single person who has bits of you out there,
and far more than just one other person who you've detained within. It's a form of psychic
parasitism that almost all people unconsciously partake in on a continual basis (some consciously as well). By doing the above exercise you will reconsolidate yourself.
After this has happened you will better rooted with a much stronger sense of personal
boundaries, and you can thus better protect yourself from future occurrences.