303. A Halloween custom is to fill a tub with water and drop into it as
many apples as there are young folks to try the trick. Then each one must
kneel before the tub and try to bite the apples without touching them
with the hands. The one who ... Read more of Halloween at Superstitions.ca
This spell is to make someone love you. Make sure you concentrate on the person you are trying to make fall in live with you.
What you need:
-7 red candles(white ones will do if you don't have red candles available)
-red ribbon
-a picture of the person or something that belongs to them
-red paper heart
Arrange the candles in a circle. Light the candles counterclockwise casting the circle. Take the heart and write your name in the middle. Taking the ribbon and the picture or object, begin wrapping them together while chanting:
With this ribbon I do bind
My heart to yours and yours to mine
Love I call you, come to me
As I will so mote it be
Completely cover the picture or object until it is completely covered. Open the circle and store the picture or object where it will not be disturbed.