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One egg to seven eggs depending (personally I'd go with seven eggs)
Eggs are fabulous, particularly free-range eggs, which are generally sold in supermarkets today.
Purchase these and at least you won't have those poor tortured chickens on your conscience.
Now, if you are still having lots of trouble getting over someone who you know you should not want
back, go get yourself an egg. Or maybe seven.
On seven consecutive Friday nights (Friday is devoted to Aphrodite, so you'll be asking for her help
here with this spell) draw yourself a lovely long bath, just at the right temperature.
When it's allfy to hop in (again burn a black candle to bathe by-it'll help those "fond"
bittersweet memories that will drift up) take your egg (Which you shouldn't wash prior to this)
and place it very carefully in the bath with you. Now get in and let your mind wander over all
the reasons which affirm that it's best for you and that person who you know is absolutely no
good for you should be apart. Don't get lost in horrible memories, instead gently remind yourself
that you are no longer going to allow anyone to rob you of your self-respect and self-esteem.
You are doing your magic to empower yourself. Do not think about how great it would be to
get with him or her and them dump him or her. If revenge is still your problem, see the above spell.
The egg, symbol, by the way, of the Goddess, is a reminder of our ability to create ourselves
anew, that new life is always within our reach as long as we allow ourselves to be reborn
and let go of the past- particularly if it is damaging us. Contemplate these things and feel
glad and happy that you will soon be embracing the new. Drain the bath- doesn't remove
the egg until all the water has drained and you are safely out. DON'T EAT THE EGG!
Bury it, if you wish, in a place where you be sure it won't be unearthed, or wrap it up in thick
paper, stomp on it (one more chance to get rid of the negative) and chuck it in the bin.
Do this every Friday for seven weeks.
If you still get pangs for what's his face, you may need to do a little work on the astral plane.
Get yourself an egg and roll it gently over your naked body, standing in the moonlight is best.
This will loosen and soften the ties that bind you to thing.
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