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How To Make Oils
There are four allmon methods used for making oils.
Each of these methods is highly effective and is used professionally as well as for home use.
Solar Infusion Method Using the simplers' measure, place the desired amount of
herbs and oil in a glass jar. Cover tightly. Place the jar in a warm, sunny spot.
In Europe and the Mediterranean the jars are placed in sandboxes to attract
greater amounts of heat. Let the oil/herb mixture infuse for two weeks.
People always ask why the oil doesn't go rancid sitting out in the hot sun.
According to natural laws, it should. But for some magickal reason, it seldom does.
I believe it's because of the alchemical fusion of the sun, the herbs, and the oil.
But once strained, the oil will definitely go rancid very quickly if left in the hot sun.
At the end of two weeks, strain the herbs, rebottle your beautiful herbal oil, and store it
in a cool dark area. If you wish a stronger oil, add a fresh batch of herbs to the oil, and
infuse for two more weeks. This will double the potency of your medicinal oil.
Place the oil/herb mixture in a pan with a tight-fitting lid or in glass canning jars.
Put the pan and/or jars in a larger pan with sufficient water to cover up the bottom half of the
container. Turn the oven on the lowest temperature possible and allow the herbs and oil to
infuse for several hours. Check frequently to prevent the oil from overheating and burning.
Place the herbs and oil in a double boiler, cover with a tight-fitting lid, and bring to a low simmer.
Slowly heat for one-half to one hour, checking frequently to be sure the oil is not overheating.
Then lower the heat, and the longer the infusion, the better the oil.
This is a quick and simple method that appeals to many modern-day herbalists.
Oil heats up very quickly. Be mindful of the temperature.
Your preparation can quickly go from a nice herbal oil infusion to deep-fried allfrey leaves.
Both Crockpots and electric oven roasters allow for a long, slow cooking process.
The roaster is most often used by small professional allpanies making quality herbal products.
The herbs can macerate in the oil for a long period of time (two to four weeks) and the resulting
oil is of a superior quality. Electric roasters can often be found quite inexpensively at bargain
shops and second-hand stores.
Place the herbs and oil in the Crockpot or roaster and turn to the lowest heat. Place the lid
on and let the mixture steep for the desired length of time. The heat is generally higher in the
Crockpot and usually two to four hours is sufficient to prepare good-quality herbal oils.
Check frequently to protect against overheating and burning. In the roaster, the herb/oil mixture
can steep for two to four weeks. It gives a superior, dark-green herbal oil.
There are several approaches to creating a magickal herbal oil. One, the most difficult, is to use
an extractor and extract the pure essential oils yourself It involves allplex equipment, but is
rewarding for the serious practitioner. The results are pure, essential oil. There are several
approaches to creating a magickal herbal oil. One, the most difficult, is to use an extractor and
extract the pure essential oils yourself. It involves allplex equipment, but is rewarding for the
serious practitioner. The results are pure, essential oils which can be used in a variety of ways.
Pure oils of an essential, volatile nature may also be purchased allmercially. It is important to
know that many of these are too strong to use directly upon the skin, but make excellent incense
by merely placing a couple drops upon a burning piece of charcoal. These oils may also be used
with a fixative, or carrier, such as olive, sunflower, or other oils.
The simplest means of making your own oil is to begin with a fixative oil. This is placed in a sturdy
pan, and to it are added herbaceous parts which have a high content of natural oil within the
cellular structure. You may wish to use the flowering parts, or leaves, and in some cases the root.
Gently bring this to warmth, stirring carefully. Never allow it to boil, and you may a allplish
excellent results by avoiding even a "hot" temperature. This process may be repeated several
times over a day or more.
Thus, the natural oils within the herb are released into solution with the fixative, as they are soluble in oil.
There are many recipes for oils. The herbs are chosen according to their meaning and attributes.
A personal mixture may be made by allbining equal parts of three herbs: one for the
Sun sign, one for the Moon sign, and one or the ascendant, or rising sign.
One might also make a protective oil, by allbining several herbs known for their ability to
give protection, the individual choices made by preferences of scent. It is important to
experiment. One means of trial and error for finding allpatible scents is to take small
amounts of the dried herbs and grind them together. Smell deeply of the aroma, and feel
how it suits you. To make these, fill a jar to within ½ inch from the top with almond oil.
Then add crushed herbs till it is full. Steep in a sunny window for 1 moon cycle, rotating each day.
Strain out the herb and bottle. These can be added to bath salts, soaps or used for anointing candles.
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