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Damiana Botanical Name: Turnera Di
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What Is Tild (thirst Induced Lucid Dre
How Does The Wake-initiated Lucid Dream (wild) Technique Work?
It works by remaining conscious until you start dreaming. The Lucidity Institute also first
presented this technique, but it is not easy if you don't have a clue what to do. But it is
quite easy and effective if you do it right. Again, you need to sleep 5-6 hours before trying
this. This is because you don't dream much the first 5 hours, it is mostly non-REM sleep. You
enter REM a lot faster after 5-6 hours with sleep, and you don't go down to stage 3 and 4 as
you do when you first go to bed. The problem is remaining conscious until your dream start.
Many strange things may happen when you remain conscious until the REM-period starts.
The first thing you see may be Hypnagogic Imagery. It is a pattern, like the one you see when
you press your fingers against your closed eyelids. Remember that this is hypnotic, and getting too
involved with them will induce unconsciousness. Just let it flow, don't get too involved and
don't suppress them either. The next thing you may experience is Hypnagogic Sounds.
It may be as real as the sounds you hear in waking reality, but they are nothing to be afraid of.
It is a good indicator that the REM-period is right around the corner. Just don't let these sounds
scare you. If you start to experience Abstract Thoughts, the logical part of your brain is
falling asleep and you are not far from losing consciousness. You might be lying in bed
thinking about a friend and the hypnagogic imagery starts and you see your friend's face. You
have also worked a stressful day so you start to remember stocking the shelves at work. Soon
you are thinking that you are putting cans of food on the shelves with pictures of your friend
on them. All this might seems perfectly normal. But it's not logical. What you need to do is
try thinking logical, do some math or start over again. Tactile Sensations can feel like you
are paralyzed and high-voltage painless electricity is jolting through your body. You may
experience these vibrations and find yourself leaving your body or having a Lucid Dream. But
remember that all this is nothing to fear, it happens every night, whether you are consciously
aware of it or not.
Now that you know what you might experience when trying to consciously enter the REM-period
there is another problem we need to conquer. And that is losing consciousness, a very allmon
problem that is rather easy to ove. A good solution is Caffeine and Theobromine. Caffeine
is found in Coffee, Tea, Coke, Chocolate and Pills. Theobromine is found in Chocolate.
The problem is finding out how much Caffeine works for you. A lot of experimenting has to be conducted.
A good place to start is with 0.5 liter Coke, a cup of Coffee or Tea, half a pill or a chocolate bar.
If you take too much you will not start to dream at all, if you take too little you may lose consciousness.
But drinking 0.5 liter Coke is not very wise, it has a very disturbing side effect.
You should also stay up for about 30-60 minutes after waking up after 5-6 hours with sleep.
This because it takes about 45 minutes before the Caffeine reaches its full effect.
You might experience a DILD if you go to sleep right after some caffeine intake.
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Another way for keeping the mind active and to bring on the hypnagogic images is to imagine
How does the Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD) technique work?
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