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How Can I Have Shared Lucid Dreams?
Once you get experience in the field of Lucid Dreaming, have good control over your dream
environment and can stay Lucid for a long time is it time to move on. Or if you are an
experienced Lucid Dreamer that wants to try something new, then Shared Lucid Dreaming is
an interesting approach. Intent is an important key for Sharing a Dream. When you lie in bed
trying to fall asleep you need to program this intent to Share Dreams with those you desire,
and then when you are in the Dream, you have to recall that intent and attempt to fulfill it.
Give yourself appropriate affirmations while you are waiting for the hypnagogic imagery to start.
A good way of finding those you desire is imagine them and let the hypnagogic imagery fill out
the rest of the details. Once you are in the Dream, make sure you are fully conscious. Check
all your senses and do some logical tests. Recall your intent and try a few other techniques if
your friend isn't in your dream. You can phase to that person, or imagine a door and talk out
loud your desire to meet that person, then open the door. You can also shout and yell for them
until they along. Once you find thems the big question. Are your friend Lucid?
Ask a few simple questions, be friendly and patient. If you know their interest, create them. And try
to make them understand that they are dreaming. Do things that normally don't happen in the
physical world. When they understand or if they know that they are dreaming, make sure they
are fully conscious and that all their senses are working. Once it is established that both of you
are dreaming should you point out details in the dream, for later verification. You might also
try to bring more people into the dream. When you wake up you should write down everything
you could remember, especially the details that were pointed out. A phone call right after
awakening may help on the recall.
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How can I have Precognitive Lucid Dreams?
What is OILD _mysticmagicspells.orgone Induced Lucid Dream)?
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