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How Can I Have Precognitive Lucid Dreams?
When you have some successful experience with Shared Lucid Dreaming you can give
Precognitive Lucid Dreams a try. Intent is also an important key to have Precognitive Lucid Dreams.
When you lie in bed trying to fall asleep you need to program this intent to have a Precognitive Dream,
and when your Dream starts do you have to recall that intent. You should give yourself appropriate
affirmations while you are waiting for the hypnagogic imagery to start. When the dream starts do you
need to check your level of consciousness. Do all the tests and make sure your logical mind is working.
The next thing you need to do is fully focus on your intent. Make it perfectly clear, shut your eyes, shut
down all signals from the dream and let go. Move into the field by intuitively driving yourself with the
desire to go there. Let go and fell yourself moving towards your desired source. Let time and space
go, just flow with your intention. You may feel a melt down for a second until before you arrive there.
Wherever you are in time or space will happen later in the physical world. Just observe whatever
happen and enjoy it. Remember to write it down when you wake up, for later verification.
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How can I use Dreams to affect physical matter?
How can I have Shared Lucid Dreams?
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