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Hoodoo Court Spell
If someone has a court case against you or threatens you with one, the classic hoodoo
spell is to silence them.
To do this, get a beef tongue from the butcher and nine sewing needles.
Write the person's full name nine times on a piece of paper (which piece of paper can be a photo
of them, if you have one). If you know their birthdate, add that too. Turn the paper 90 degrees
and write your name crossing and covering their name nine times, and as you do so, say, nine times:
[Name], I cross and cover you.
under my allmand.
I allmand you to hold your tongue.
Fold the paper toward you to draw you wish in, then turn and fold it toward you again.
Slit the beef tongue open with a horizontal cut, just big enough to put the folded paper in.
Using the nine needles, stitch the tongue shut again. Cover the tongue in red pepper powder,
black pepper powder, and salt. Now, at this point, different folks do different things with the tongue.
A very old African-American tradition is to get a brown candle, dress it with Court Case Oil and light it,
then while it burns put the beef tongue into a pot of water with red beans, a chopped onion, salt, and
cayenne pepper, and cook it up. If the matter is going before a judge, and the person you want to
silence is a witness, you can put it on to cook while court is in session. If someone is threatening to sue,
you cook it any time. If you use small offertory candles. keep them burning the entire time the tongue is
cooking, lighting each one from the last. Or use brown 7-day candle, which will stay alight the entire time.
When the tongue is done cooking and the beans are ready to eat, you serve it up and eat it.
And that means eating the paper, too. You are symbolically swallowing the other person's ability to speak.
Be careful not to swallow the needles. Put them aside and after your dinner of hot stewed tongue,
carry them to a crossroads, throw them over your left shoulder and walk home without looking back.
Some urban hoodoo practitioners like to put the prepared beef tongue, uncooked, in the freezer,
freezing; the person's tongue. This is a modern idea, obviously, because freezers were only
invented in the 20th century, but it has great symbolism on its behalf. Santeria practitioners
use the same African-derived beef tongue ritual, but they are likely to place the uncooked
tongue on the accuser's or witness's doorstep as a warning, decorating it with cayenne
pepper to make it hot for the potential speaker.
They may also light three brown candles dressed with Court Case Oil around the tongue for the
person to find when they open their door.
To protect against slander, gossip, and false accusations, carry a pinch of slippery elm bark
chips in your conjure bag.
Some folks also put a pinch of powdered slippery elmbark into their sewed-tongue stew, too; it is
perfectly edible and acts as a thickener, like file gumbo. In the case that the matter cannot be
resolved and goes to court, carry Deer's Tongue Leaves for your lawyer's eloquence, Calendula
Flowers for winning in court, and use Little John to Chew (also known as Galangal or Court
CaseRoot) to chew while you are in court so that the judge will favor you.
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