Use this spell to cure physical pain on someone else.
sit in a lotus position and have the one you want to cure sit in a lotus position facing you, in the middle of a circle of candles. place one large candle between that person and you. Have both of you meditate for a few minutes. the person you want to heal should open their mind and spirit to the element of fire, while you should imagine yourself and your partner as flames. Imagine you can control the flames around you through thought; when you move, the flames move. the flames are a part of you. Now link your energy to your partner's energy via the candle between you. imagine the place where your partner is feeling pain as a black smudge on their flame. have your energy and the candle flames' energy transfer to your partner via the candle between you, and have it burn the black spot so it dissipates in smoke. this represents pain leaving your partner's body.
You may have to repeat this once every day until he/she feels better, but be careful, this kind of healing takes energy because you are giving your partner your own energy.