79. If two persons, while walking, divide so as to pass an obstruction
one on one side and one on the other, they will quarrel. Children avert
this catastrophe by exclaiming, bread and butter, which is a counter
charm. On the other hand, if the... Read more of Friendship at Superstitions.ca
Here is another good spell for getting rid of an unwanted suitor.
Take a small square of paper and write on it the name of the annoying would-be lover.
Use black ink for this. Many Gypsies also say that it is best to use one of the old "dip" pens and ink,
rather than a modern ballpoint, but you could experiment. Let the ink dry; don't blot it.
Then light a white candle and burn the piece of paper in its flame while thinking of the person
running away from you. Catch the ashes in something
(burning the paper over an ashtray is a good idea) and carry them out to a hillside (you can do
this by putting them in a small plastic bag, similar). There you must place the ashes on the
upturned palm of your right hand and hold it up, saying:
Winds of the North, East, South and West,
Carry these affections to where they'll be best.
Let her/his heart be open and free,
And let her/his mind be away from me.
Then blow on the ashes so that they scatter to the winds.