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You will need a green taper candle, a deck of Tarot cards, a small piece of malachite,
a money drawing oil, a simple magnet oil, and a tiny bottle or vial. Perform this spell on the
night of a waxing moon, preferably one that is very few days old. Into the candle, carve
symbols that you associate with what you need to manifest. Pour the bottle/vial halfway
with money oil and top it off with magnet oil. Charge it with your needs. The magnet oil will
increase the ability to draw things to you. Anoint the candle with the oil and place it into a
candle holder. Charge the piece of malachite and anoint with the oil, also. Choose a
significator card for the subject of the spell. This will generally be one of the Court Cards,
but if the person relates better to another card you could use that. Now pull the Ace of
Pentacles (to manifest new beginnings in the area of i and earthly things") and a
card that represents, as closely as possible, the job you wish to manifest. Use your intuition,
judgement, and knowledge to choose this card -- it is the one which determines the job
which will be acquired. Place these cards on your altar along with the candle, the
malachite, and the bottle/vial of oil.
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