The upcoming summer months are the perfect time for Full Moon Scrying and I'd like to pass on an old, time honored scrying ritual originally written by D.J. Conway that I have used many times during the long summer nights:
Items Needed:
1 bright, shiny silver coin
1 small, black cauldron or scrying bowl filled with water
Perform this ritual outside where the rays of the Moon can fall directly onto the water in the cauldron. If you cannot go outside, stay in a darkened room near a window that the Moon shines through. Place the coin in the water and take the cauldron in both hands. Gaze up at the Moon and say:
"Lovely Lady of the night,
Mysteries old and futures bright,
Give me a glimpse of that to be
And as I will so mote it be."
Look down at the coin shimmering in the cauldrons water. With your eyes half closed, adjust your vision as if you were looking into and through the coin. Don't try to analuze anything you might see or that might come into your mind. Just accept it. Some people, rathar than seeing actual pictures within the cauldron, will have mental impressions, feelings or pictures. When you have finished, bow to the Moon and say thank you. Pour the water out on the ground. You're done!