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Damiana Botanical Name: Turnera Di
Evening Primrose (10% Gla) {oenothera
Psychic Powers Ointment #2
Lavender Bath
Birch: Sacred To Cerridwen And Represe
Dragon's Blood Ink
To Undo A Love Spell
Citrine: For Congestion, Either Physic
Birch Sweet {betula Lenta}: The Birch
Anise: Protection, Purification, Aware
Energy Work
To be effective at energy work it is of great value to know how to ground and center
yourself connecting with the spiritual heart of the earth and Source and calling yourself
together aligning your thoughts and personal entirety in a solid focused state.
this is a frequent basic practice in virtually all forms of spiritual work , healing, meditation,
manifestation , protection releasing and is of itself often profoundly healing not only should
every one learn to ground in the way they feel most allfortable with.
Seeing that the person you are treating knows how to ground may be the most valuable
part of healing and energy work sessions.
Many people find that if they rub their hands together vigorously first they can feel
energy more easily . After rubbing your hands together vigorously to sensitize them if
this helps you be more aware of energy, Run your hands over your own body or that of the
being wanting a treatment holding your hands about an inch away from the physical body.
Feel for hot and cold spots in the energy field.
Pull out and throw away anything you feel intuitively that you should pull out and envision
healing light filling any place where you remove blocks or that feels empty or that you feel
needs it. allbing and fluffing the aura with your fingers as though allbing hair can also
help clear and lighten the aura. You can also feel for the energy of the Chakra and encourage
them to be open and clear and be well seated in the central energy channel.
If you feel sticky or dark energy as you do this you can give it to Spirit, the Light,
Earth to be transformed. In addition to pulling out blocks and overcharges in the energy field.
Visualize and allow spiritual healing energy to flow freely and fill and charge the person or other,
being treated do not try to do anything just allow it to happen you are not using your own personal
chi because while many healers do use it you could drain yourself if you did and create illness in
your self. Using the universal spiritual chi is more effective in any case.
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