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Damiana Botanical Name: Turnera Di
Evening Primrose (10% Gla) {oenothera
Psychic Powers Ointment #2
Gemini-light Blue
To Undo A Love Spell
What Is Tild (thirst Induced Lucid Dre
Fennel (foeniculum Vulgare) : Ingested
Yarrow {achillea Millefolium}: After C
Ginger: Protection, Coughs And Colds.
Healing Potpourri
Does Lucid Dreaming Interfere With Normal Sleep?
No. The only difference is that you are aware that you are dreaming.
Unless you have some sort of sleep disorder that causes you to get less delta sleep, but then
again, it's not the LD's fault. There is no danger with Lucid Dreaming. But if you have a bad
heart you might have a hearth attack if you crash a car, or during sexual intercourse.
Other than that Lucid Dreaming is one of the safest activities. It can even be used for healing.
Did this spell work for you?
What purposes can Lucid Dreaming serve?
In what stage of sleep does Lucid Du go all the way down to stage 4 again (also called non-REM sleep).
Viewed: 3619