Green: herbalists; nature
Red: "Love" Magick
Brown: animals; Magick with animals
Black: universe
Yellow: divination
White: all purpose
Blue: healing
Gold: the God
Silver: the Goddess
Purple: Magick in general
1. The Goddess - Silver 2. The God - Gold
3. Air (East) - Blue 4. Fire (South) - Red
5. Water (West) - Green 6. Earth (North) - Yellow
7. The Gate - White 8. Samhain - Orange
9. Yule - Purple 10. Imbolg - Red
11. Ostara - Light-green 12. Beltane - White
13. Litha - Yellow 14. Mabon - Dark-green
15. Lughnasadh - Brown 16. Full Moon - Milky-white
17. Initiation - Astrological color of student
18. Handfasting - White 19. Wiccaning - White
20. Requiem - Black 21. Love - Pink or Red
22. Banishing - Black 23. Prosperity - Green