Make sure it is night when you do this spell. Also, light one orange and one pink
Close your eyes. (You Must Have complete focus and be concentrating on the
spell, ONLY.) Fill your mind with the color your eyes are. Picture that for abo... Read more of Spell to change eye color at White
"Undines of Water, Sylphs of Air
Giveth us clouds and free us from despair
Shieldeth us from Salamanders' Sun
Hear these words and have them done"
*This spell is used for covering the Sun with clouds.
*This spell can also make it rain depending on the intentions of the caster.
*Suggestions: Do this in an open area/a balcony/a terrace/etc. while looking at the sky. Chant this as long as you like till the spell works but there is no need to louden your voice.