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To Make Someone Think Of You Non-stop
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To Get Someone To Call You
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Damiana Botanical Name: Turnera Di
Evening Primrose (10% Gla) {oenothera
Psychic Powers Ointment #2
Dragon's Blood Ink
Lavender Bath
Birch: Sacred To Cerridwen And Represe
Spring Equinox
Gemini-light Blue
To Undo A Love Spell
Citrine: For Congestion, Either Physic
Bubble Healing Spell
Prep work: 5 small bowls Incense [burn spearmint and allspice on charcoal]
Bubbles and bubble wand Food coloring: green, blue, red, yellow
[Mix each color of food coloring in each bowl with a portion of the bubble solution,
and in the 5th bowl add a small portion of each color to a portion of the bubble solution]
Cleanse your sacred area, cast the circle, call the Quarters, invoke the God and The Goddess,
and light the incense. Begin by meditating on the purpose of the bubbles and healing. Visualize
the healing within each bowl and see the solutions glow with a white light. Either with a
picture of the sick person or with the actual person at hand, blow the red bubbles and say
3 times: "Fire from above and Fire from below, Take the illness and pain, And into the fire
we watch it go, Burn it away as this life will not ail but gain" Blowing the blue bubbles, say
3 times: "Water from above and water from below, Washing away the burnt illness and pain,
Taking it from this physical form, Wash it away as this life will not ail but gain" Blowing the
yellow bubbles, say 3 times: "Air from above and Air from below, Blowing far away in the
shape of a bubble the washed illness and pain, Keeping it all trapped in the bubble and
drying the body and the soul, Blowing it away as this life will not ail but gain" Blowing the
green bubbles, say 3 times: "Earth all around and Earth from below, Bury this bubble that
trapped the illness and pain, Keeping it from harming any friend or foe, Bury it deep far away
as this life will not ail but gain" Blowing the bubbles of all 4 colors, say 3 times: "Within these
healing bubbles, I have called the power of the corners to heal, Taking away all the ailments
and troubles, No more pain or ailment for this body and soul to feel" Thank The Goddess
and The God, release the Quarters, and close the Circle.
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