Any child can play this simple game. Take a full blown rose and hold
it up where all can see it, then let them write on a slip of paper how
many petals they think are in the rose.
The petals are then counted by one of the children and the o... Read more of ROSE GUESS. at Games Kids
Draw two figure's on separate sheets of paper representing the ones who are arguing.Personalize the figure as need.Place an unbroken Bay Leaf on one figure and lay the other figure on top face down.
"Let the bay leaf take the energy and anger that is between them."
Take the bay leaf and crumple in the palm of your hand while saying.
"As this leaf is broken and blown away,Let the anger contained within also break and blow away."
Place figures back on top of each other and say.
"Now there is no anger between them."
Blow the leaf to the wind wrap the figure's with a pink ribbon or string what ever you have that is pink.