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Blue Justice Spell
This is a spell for affecting ous.
It uses the color blue, particularly cobalt blue, ultramarine, royal blue, electric blue,
any vibrant shade of dark blue. This is not a judgement spell; it does not attempt to
find facts, determine justice, affix blame or penalties.
This is a Justice Spell that invites the Universe to step in and right a wrong, to restore
balance where imbalance exists. The final ou is left to the Goddess, whose notion
of justice may be different from ours, whose sense of Time is eternal, but who applies the
Law of Three without pity. What goes arounds around.
Justice may be seen to be done immediately or it might take karmic form, but Justice will prevail.
The spell has two parts and can be used for any matter at law:
civil proceedings, criminal cases; trials or administrative hearings. Binding and banishing spells
could be used to augment it. As always, you can modify the spell in any way you like to suit the
circumstances that bring you to needing such a spell.
Maat is the Egyptian goddess of truth, justice and social order.
The ostrich plume, her symbol, became a hieroglyph that represented her name as well as those
concepts. It is this feather against which Osiris weighs your heart upon the scale in the Hall of
Justice to determine your eligibility for eternal life.
Mabon is the Welsh god of youth, son of the mother goddess Modron.
As a Son of Light he intercedes with the Matrix on behalf of humans.
Mabon, who was stolen as a baby and wrongfully imprisoned, also rules justice.
You Need:
--A tall blue candle frankincense a blindfolded female poppet dark blue glitter, several vials
--sea salt (substitute ordinary salt if you have to) a bowl of water
--a tray or other surface on which to work the spell
--A scale, the old-fashioned kind with two balances;
This is a symbol of justice that could be placed on the altar while you are working the spell.
--An ostrich feather, if you can get one, to decorate the altar
I don't have a scale or ostrich plume, so I used a set of three black stone pyramids from Egypt.
Wear a diamond if you own one, from the time you begin the spell until the verdict.
Part One
Arrange the altar or work surface in your usual way, then add everything you will need for this spell.
Inscribe the candle with the feather of Maat, then write her name on it.
Stand the blindfolded poppet in the bowl of water and place it on the tray with the candle and incense.
Place anything you have that relates to the crime or dispute on the altar:
photographs, newspaper clippings, legal documents, letters, evidence, etc.
Call quarters and cast a circle. Light the incense and the candle.
Pour the sea salt and blue glitter into the tray as you say:
By Justice I rock the scales By Libra I bring them back into balance I call down justice
By Nemesis, by Tisiphone By Dike and Athena I call down Blue Justice
By Justicia the scales are rocked By Libra they are brought back into balance
Let it rain Blue Justice By Nemesis, by Tisiphone
By Dike and Athena Let it rain Blue Justice on ____ Let it rain Blue Justice for _____.
Repeat this as many times as feels necessary to you.
Use your athame to stir the glitter and salt together.
Close your eyes, open your palms and pray to Ma'at.
Tell her what result you would like the spell to have but acknowledge her right to effect justice
as she sees fit. Close the circle and ground power. Pour the melted wax over the poppet.
Leave the altar set up that way. Each day, for several days, burn the candle and more incense.
Pour the wax over the poppet each time, praying to Maat.
Mix the ash from the incense into the glitter and salt.
This part of the spell can be cast at any time: before a proceeding begins, or while it is underway.
Part Two
The next part should be done at a significant point, such as the start of the trial, the
beginning of jury selection, or when deliberations begin. Dress in blue clothes.
Remove the Blue Justice Powder from the tray.
Clean up, throwing the poppet and candle away.
Take the powder to the courthouse. (This is best done late at night or on a holiday or weekend,
when you are least likely to be noticed or interrupted.)
Stand before the courthouse and recite these words over the powder:
(Change or omit the first part of the spell if you are not of Celtic descent.)
Hail Mabon, Son of Modron My Celtic blood calls out to thee
It cries for Celtic justice It requires victory Hail Mabon, Son of Modron
I allmend your Celtic justice I call you to this place
To allmand your Celtic justice
By your power I transform this building into a Palace of Justice
By your power this building is transformed I make of it a place where right is known from wrong
A place where Truth is known from lies
A place with judges fair and honest
By Mabon's power I enchant this powder
With Mabon's power I enchant this powder
By the power of Mabon I allmand Justice be done here
Sprinkle it every place that the judge, jury and defendant or plaintiff are likely to walk:
on the steps, outside the courtroom, at entrances and elevators, whatever places you
have access to. Make an invoking circle around the entire courthouse (by sprinkling the
powder as you walk clockwise), if possible. Say or think 'Blue Justice!' as you sprinkle the powder.
When you have finished, return to the front of the courthouse and pray again to Maat.
Thank her and Mabon for considering the case, and for their intercession.
The poppet could be buried or destroyed. If you like and if it is possible, it could be left
outside the persons home in a place where they will be sure to see it, mailed to them or
buried on their property or near the courthouse. For urban magic, consider throwing it
away in a trash receptacle at the court. Keep the phrase BLUE JUSTICE in your mind
until the legal proceedings are concluded. Get everyone else who wants the same ou
to also keep thinking about blue justice. If the attorney or prosecutor who represents your
interest is open to such a thing, tell her or him to think 'blue justice' every time the case seems
to be going against them. Dress in blue if you attend the trial.
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