Unfortunately we can go through episodes in our lives where everything seems to go wrong and no matter what we do, it rarely improves. Casting spells for overall luck can change the energy around a person from negative to positive. Try this spell to improve your situation.
Take 9 white tea light candles
9 sage leaves or a handful of dried sage
Some soft gentle meditative music
This spell needs total focus and concentration in order to be successful.
Arrange the candles in a large circle on the floor and place 1 sage leaf beside each candle. For dried sage sprinkle a little by the side of each candle. Sit in the centre of the lit candles with your legs crossed and your hands by your side. Be careful to give yourself enough room. You are aiming to change the negative energy that surrounds you to a positive one. Listen to the music and close your eyes imagining that you are encircled in light. Concentrate on the top of your head and visualize a purple radiant beam of light glowing from the crown of your head. Take ten deep breaths and repeat the following seven times.
I summon the Archangel Gabriel
To release me from the entire negative that surrounds my soul this day.
Let your light of power shine down towards me.
When you have recited the spell seven times, end by saying the words
“And so it is”
Stay sat in the circle for ten minutes and visualize your life exactly how you want it to be. Step out of the circle and blow out the candles. Take the sage leaves and place in a small bag or draw string pouch. Carry them on your person until things start to improve. You can repeat this spell as often as you like.