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Damiana Botanical Name: Turnera Di
Evening Primrose (10% Gla) {oenothera
Psychic Powers Ointment #2
Gemini-light Blue
To Undo A Love Spell
Yarrow {achillea Millefolium}: After C
Bloodstone: Powerful Cleanser Of Blood
To Cleanse Magickal Space
What Is Tild (thirst Induced Lucid Dre
Fennel (foeniculum Vulgare) : Ingested
Amber & Jet
In many earth-based religions it is customary for the High Priestess to wear jewelry allbining the two.
Why? It is because Jet & Amber are the only allbination that from the same source yet embody
both the God AND the Goddess aspects! How? Amber is a fossilized resin, and is the Male element.
It is the Sun, the Light ~ Ra. Jet, on the other hand, is dark, mysterious, female ~ Moon But they both
from the same source! Amber is the resin, jet is the tree itself, the wood the
allbination of the two is ALL, dark/light, male/female, sun/moon.
Amber is not, technically a stone but a fossil. It is also the oldest known gem to be used my man
as an adornment. Amber is fossilized resin from ancient conifers. Most Amber is found washed up
on the beach but there are fields of buried trees that also contain Amber, the Amber thats
from New Zealand is like that. Russian (also known as Baltic) and Dominican Amber,
however, are usually a beach allbers dream!
True Amber is pre-Jurassic, any Amber that is younger than that is called Copal. A lot of Amber
does contain bugs, I have seen pieces with hundreds of specimens, and I have one that I wear
that has 17. It can also have small "critters" like lizards, but those pieces are extremely rare.
Many pieces also have leaves, twigs and bark in them. Some have droplets of air, that over the
milleniums have allpressed and shiny discs that look like sun spangles.
In olden times they used to make pipe stems from Amber with the belief that the gem did not retain
germs and was antiseptic. I know many people that swear that wearing an Amber pendant will
relieve arthritis. It is also said that wearing Amber will protect you from radiation. The golden color
of Amber is associated with the sun, and with the solar plexus Chakra. In Middle Eastern belief the
Chakras are the connections of the soul to the body, and the main "entry" point is the solar plexus Chakra.
As such, the Higher Self connects to the physical self through this Chakra, and the wearing of Amber
will strengthen this connection.
There are several shades of Jade, from a pale, soft green, to white, to lavender, red, yellow, and the
emperor of Jade, Imperial Jade, which is a deep green color. Imperial Jade got its name from the last
empress of China, who revered - and collected - it. When a piece was unearthed it had to go directly
to her, and she kept a lot of it, over 3,000 cabinets full of it.
The Chinese have revered Jade for as long as can be remembered. It is used for Happiness, Longevity,
Prosperity, Protection, Joy, Love and Wisdom.
Chinese people will often wear several pieces hanging from their belt, the melody caused by the
Jade pieces as they jingle brings joy and peace. Confucius said of Jade "Wise men have seen in
Jade all the different virtues. It is soft, smooth and shining - like
kindness; it is hard, fine and strong - like intelligence; it's edges seem sharp, but do not cut, like justice.
It hangs down to the ground, like humility; when struck, it gives a ringing sound, like music; the stains
in it which are not hidden and which add to its beauty are like truthfulness; it's brightness is like
Heaven, and it's fine substance is like the earth, born of the mountains and water."
Kwan Chung wrote of it in the seventh century BC
that Jade symbolizes to the Chinese nine of the highest attainments of Man "In it's smoothness
he recognizes Benevolence, In it's high polish - Knowledge Emblematic, In it's unbending firmness -
Righteousness, In it's modest harmlessness - Virtuous Actions, In it's rarity and spotlessness -
Purity, In the way it exposes every flaw - Ingenuousness, In that it passes from hand to hand
without being sullied - Moral Conduct, And that when struck it gives forth a sweet note that floats
sharply and distinctly to a distance - Music."
Jade does from other places then China, notably, a very high quality of Jades from
New Zealand. The Maories traditionally make a totem called a Hei Tiki from it. These tikis are handed
down from generation to generation and are highly prized.
Energy: Receptive
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Powers: Peace, Anti-Nightmare, Travel, Protection, Lactation, Luck
Magickal Uses: Chalcedony, in allmon with many other stones, banishes fear, hysteria,
depression, mental illness, and sadness. It also promotes calm and peaceful feelings when
worn or held in the hand.
In the 16th century it was prescribed by magicians to dissolve illusions and fantasies.
For this purpose it was pierced and hung
around the neck.
Worn to bed or placed beneath the pillow, chalcedony drives away nightmares, night
visions and fears of the dark.
As a protective stone, chalcedony guards its bearer during times of political revolution
and while traveling. It is also used to ward off psychic attack and negative Magick.
Chalcedony prevents accidents if worn.
In Renaissance magic the chalcedony was engraved with the figures of a man with his
right hand upraised. This was worn for success in lawsuits as well as for health and safety.
The stone is used for beauty, strength, energy and success in all undertakings, and in Italy,
mothers wear beats of white chalcedony to increase lactation. An arrowhead carved of
chalcedony is worn and carried for luck.
Aids in development of magickal skill, spiritual connections, love, clarity, divination, wisdom,
courage, psychic growth, dreaming,
protection, healing and balancing energy.
Corresponding oils
Frankincense: protection, purification, strengthening
Clary Sage: wisdom, protection, purification, divination
Sandalwood: protection, spirituality and harmony
Lavender: love, peace, balancing, purification, protection
Rosemary: protection, love, purification, courage
Used for healing, sexual well-being, activating and expanding your imagination, enhancing
creativity, and drawing prosperity to you. Carried as a good-luck charm, strengthens perception.
Corresponding Oils
Clove: protection, prosperity, purification, love and mental powers
Almond: prosperity and wisdom
Balsam Fir: prosperity and mental clarity
Ginger: prosperity, love, power, healing, strengthens and warms the spirit.
Nutmeg: luck, prosperity, fidelity, increases dreams, strengthens and calms.
Kyanite actuallys in several colors. Most are familiar with blue, but it alsos in black,
green and pink. Pink Kyanite is often confused with Rubellite, and indeed does look a lot like
the Rubellite that grows in Lepidolite (Rubellite is also known as Pink Tourmaline) Pink Kyanite
is somewhat denser and the host stone is white. Green Kyanite is also what is known as Gem-quality.
It is more translucent/transparent and often has a blue striation ~ or vein ~ running through the middle,
lengthwise. Black Kyanite is very striated and fans out from the tip to the end. It has a tendency to
flake off little needles, so handle with care! Blue Kyanite is a beautiful, mid-to-dark blue, translucent
stone. The more you use it the darker it will get. Kyanite is not really indigenous to this planet. It does
grow here but did not originate here. If you look at Black Kyanite you can see how it looks like it fell
like an arrow to the Earth. I mostly use two types of Kyanite, Blue & Black. Kyanite is an Astral stone,
by which I mean it is used to facilitate
Astral Projection. Why is it so good for this? Not being from here it does not have the signature
vibration of the Earth so it makes it easier for us to also separate from it. To use Blue Kyanite,
take it in your left hand, place your hand over your heart and relax. Blue Kyanite will first clear
and center you. Why? Because if you are not cleared and centered you cannot properly leave
the body. Relax into the stone and just drift...the rest is up to you and the stone! Blue Kyanite will
take you where you want to go, in contrast Black will take you where you need to go. To use
Black you must have two pieces, one in each hand. Lie down with your hands by your side and
relax...Just remember, you MUST back! At the least Kyanite will put you in a very deep
meditative state. use it in Balancings to get the ego of the person out of the way so the other
stones and the energy work will not be blocked. The energy runs lengthwise through Kyanite,
and just like Tourmaline if you heat one end you will feel the warmth at the other end. Meaning if
you want to use it to project energy it is ideal for that, as is Tourmaline or Aquamarine (or Quartz
for that matter!)
Benitoite crystallizes forming slightly flattened pyramid shaped or tabular crystals. The color ranges
from colorless to blue, pink, purple, and white; some of the crystals are partially colorless and partially
colored. It has been found exclusively in California,
This mineral can be used to enhance contact with extra terrestrial beings, once contact has been established.
It can also aid in allowing transmission of thoughts between two people( without verbalization).
The stone has been used successfully in the laying on of stones to raise the experience of astral
travel to a higher degree.
Benitoite brings lightness and joy with depth of beauty and thought to the wearer, enhancing
movement and activity.
It is a great benefactor to the well being of ones physical, emotional, and intellectual selves; the
energy brings the message and helps one to realize that ones passage through time and space is
not arbitrary and indiscriminate and that one is, indeed,
at all times in the right place, at the right time.
It is an excellent stone, useful for expediting the healing process and for integrating and releasing the
basic cause of disease.
It has been used in the treatment of disorders of the blood, to ameliorate conditions of excessive
bleeding, and to strengthen the walls of the veins.
Bavenite crystallizes in the form of fibrous radial groupings of prismatic crystals. The color is white.
This mineral can be used to enhance ones self image and to provide incentive to grow spiritually,
emotionally, and intentionally. It brings a softness to ones spirit, yet encourages a righteousness with
respect to ones privilege to grow in the highest direction.
It promotes flowering of the self during the right season. The message of the energy of
Bavenite instills the knowledge that one must never accept deficiencies within oneself; if
one accepted less than perfection, one would be grasping the belief that lack is universal will.
It allows one to delay judgement until all relevant information is available. It also provides for
proficiency in intellectual endeavors.
It continues to encourage one to open to creativity, providing for a vast expanse of information
with respect to the nature of creation. Bavenite can be used in the treatment of disorders of
speech, hearing, sight, smell, and touch. It can stimulate the wellness attribute within the inner
being, allowing for mental and structural alignment and physical well being.
Deep rich blue, often has gold or iridescent colored flecks. Sagittarius (Archer) SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22 - DEC. 21)
Aquarius (Water-bearer) AQUARIUS (JAN. 20 - FEB. 18)
Revered throughout the ages as Holy, and a connection with the very Gods themselves...
Lapis is a stone of Protection, a stone of allmunication, a stone of Awareness, a stone of
Enlightenment, a stone of courage.
The ancient Egyptians used it extensively as a dye for cloth, a make-up (the original blue
eyeshadow) and, of course, in jewelry and decoration. One of the most popular items was
Lapis carved into a Scarab. It was also pulverized and given as a poison antidote, as it was
thought to cleanse the body of impurities and toxins. Small children that are timid are given
Lapis to impart Courage. It is a very soothing and peaceful stone, less abrupt than the royal blue in it's energy.
Lapis is a Third-Eye stone, incredible for placing on the 3rd eye in meditation...also for interdimensional
allmunication and scrying... Since Lapis is such a deep blue color and has flecks of pyrite in it, it
resembles the night sky and is good for Dreaming. It is also said that connecting with the pyrite flecks
is like connecting with the stars and the Celestial Beings.
Lapis is a stone of Venus. It is also a stone of Peace, and has been used against depression
and melancholy. Lapis lazuli increases psychic abilities. Penetrates through psychic blockages
to reveal inner truth. It helps meditation and is useful for "neutral perception" in emotional issues.
This stone's for understanding higher self, overview, decisions for good of all. It stimulates wisdom,
truthfulness and can help_mysticmagicspells.organize one's life and protect the wearer. It promotes the connection
between the physical plane and the celestial kingdom. It also furthers connectedness between
male and female. Improves self-statement, writing, creativity, dream insight...sooths and balances
anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, autism, shyness, nervous system; MS, speech, hearing, pituitary,
DNA, lymph, inflammation, pain (especially head).
Lapis Lazuli points the way to enlightenment, and it aids the opening of the Third Eye. It is a gem
of contemplation and meditation. Stones with deep luminosity and bright, exotic blues are the most
useful. Gold flecks of pyrite inclusions give the stone unusually positive energy. The opening of the
Chakras is facilitated with Lapis Lazuli. It has a fine quality energy that must be sought out.
When Lapis was first introduced to Europe, it was called ultramarinum, which means beyond the sea.
Ground lapis was the secret
of the blue in ultramarine, the pigment which painters used to paint the sea and the sky until the nineteenth
century. Lapis was also popular in inlays. The columns of St Issac's Cathedral in Petersburg are lined with
lapis and the Pushkin Palace in Petersburg has lapis lazuli paneling! The Romans believed that lapis was
a powerful aphrodisiac. In the Middle Ages, it was thought to keep the limbs healthy and free the soul from
error, envy and fear.
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