While working on a sermon the pastor heard a knock at his office door.
"Come in," he invited. A sad-looking man in threadbare clothes came in,
pulling a large pig on a rope. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" asked the ma... Read more of Computer Humour at Free Jokes.ca
1 Blue Offertory Candle
1 Offertory Candle in the Color of the One withholding the Truth's Sun sign ( Or White if it is unknown)
Five Senses Oil
Compelling Oil
A Needle or Toothpick to mark the Candle
Carve the name of the person you wish to tell the truth on their Astral Candle. Anoint it with Five Senses Oil. Anoint the Blue Candle with Compelling Oil.
Set the two candles a few inches apart. Focus your intent on the outcome you desire.
Focus on the Blue Candle:
"Here is the truth which must be told".
Focus on the Astral Candle:
"Here is >insert name here<."
Begin moving the candles closer together until they are touching. Say the following incantation or something similar:
A spell of truth I cast on thee,
Deceit and all confusion flee,
Speak now to her,
s/he who I name, >insert your name<,
and she'll do the same.
With clear light I now see,
The truth is clear,
So mote it be.
Take a moment to clarify your intent.
Charge the candles again as they burn, and you might want to add:
In no way will this spell reverse
Or place upon me any curse.
Let it be done
In a way that harms none.
So mote it be.
Let the candles burn down all the way if you can. I hope you really want to hear what this person is keeping from you.