It is very important at the outset to consider the qualities of this very
important line. In some hands it is broad and shallow on the surface of
the hand, in others it is deep and fine; the appearance of this line is
very often deceptive, and ... Read more of The Line Of Life at Palm
you will need
-2 small leaves
-a stick
-a match,lighter,ect.ect.
-green thred
-7 pennies
-and a needle to sew with.
burn the tip of the stick to you can use the coal to write with.
on 1 leaf make an image of yourself.
on the other make in image of the person you want to meet.
with the green thred sew the 2 images together face to face and knot the string tightly.
go to a tree that emmits love[[such as apple,hawthorn,maple,orange, or peach.]]and find a natural hole or crevice (do not make one)lodge the leaves firmly into the crevice and as you do say:
"tree of earth,water,air,and fire,grant me the love that i desire"
bury the 7 pennies at the base of the tree and it is done.