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What Is Cild (chakra Induced Lucid Dream)?
This technique works by focusing on your Third Eye Chakra that is located slightly above and
between your eyebrows. Set your alarm clock so that you will wake up after 6 hours. Look up
and at the center of your Third Eye before closing your eyes. Keep your eyes in this position as
you close them. Give yourself appropriate affirmations until you fall asleep and visualize
yourself having a lucid dream or leaving your body. If you haven't fallen asleep within 3
minutes, move your eyes back to normal position and try to fall asleep. When the alarm clock
wake you up, go to the bathroom and fresh up. For the next hour read some material on Lucid
Dreaming or Out of Body Experiences. After reading for an hour go back to bed; roll your eyes
back to your Third Eye. State your intentions for 3 minutes or until you fall asleep. One of
three things will most likely happen. You will have a Lucid Dream, have a false awakening or
wake up paralyzed that you might use to leave your body. At the very least should you
experience vivid dreams.
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What is PILD (Punishment Induced Lucid Dream)?
What is DILD (Dream-Initiated Lucid Dream)?
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