Make a Mojo bag of red material, in it put sugarcane, some corn starch, ginger root, an ear of
baby corn, a ball of cotton, 5 pieces of coral (they sell really inexpensive coral necklaces at a lot
of stores), hair from a fox (ok this one will be hard, you can check at a zoo or look in antique shops
etc for a stuffed/mounted fox. You could also go to a store that sells fur, it only takes a single hair or
two, and it's easy to run your hands thru the fur, or use a piece of scotch tape wrapped sticky side
out on one of your fingers) and lastly a pubic hair from him and if at all possible some sperm, (from
a rubber, or if either of you wipe off after sex, snag the tissue or whatever...hey a Witch has to be
creative. Anyway take all these and put them in the bag along with a heart shaped paper with
his name written on it 5 times.