What is called the Line of Marriage is that mark or marks, as the case
may be, found on the side of the Mount under the fourth finger.
I will first proceed to give all the details possible about these lines,
and then call my reader's atten... Read more of Signs Relating To Marriage at Palm Readings.org
This spell is very simple. All you need is: a glass of water, yourself, and a Daemon (if you have one)
Drink the water while chanting through your self or your Daemon: Powers of the god and godess, This is my offer, I pledge to be loyal to the subjects of the Magyck kinds, And swear I will use it for good and no bad will be done with stronger power. Grant me power, Let be.
you also need a ring or necklace to enchant you will be wearing it while casting the spell. The effects of this spell are: makes it much easyer to cast powers, while, fending off bad Deamons.