Each other refers to two, one another to more than two. "Jones and
Smith quarreled; they struck each other" is correct. "Jones, Smith and
Brown quarreled; they struck one another" is also correct. Don't say,
"The two boys teach one another" nor... Read more of EACH OTHERONE ANOTHER at Speaking Writing.com
Too speedily invoke Good Luck and Blessings into your life take a small notebook and title it Book of Fortune. Proceed to start writing the times in your life that you've been blessed or good things have come to you.
The list works best if the sum total in your list of blessings total 999. But quite alright also if you cannot recall that many.
Shortly good luck and blessings will again start to occur and you can count on the Super Good Luck coming to you if you can obtain all 999 blessings in your life.
Try also to find the good during times you've under gone trouble some events. There is always good to be found.